Zu diesem Thema der intergenerativen Projekte und der generationenübergreifenden Musikpädagogik finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Publikationen.

Bowers, Judy, Effects of an Intergenerational Choir for Community-based Seniors and College Students on Age-related Attitudes, in: Journal of Music Therapy, Jg. 35 (1), 1998, S. 2-18.

Boyd, P. C., Professional School Reform and Public School Renewal: Portrait of a Partnership, in: Journal of Teacher Education, Jg. 45 (2), 1994, S. 132 - 139.

Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Vierter Bericht zur Lage der älteren Generation, Bonn 2002.

Darrow, A.A./ Johnson,C. /Ollenberger, T., The Effect of Participation in an Intergenerational Choir on Teens' and Older Persons' Cross-age Attitudes, Paper presented at the National Symposium for Research in Music Behavior, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1993.

Decker-Voigt, Hans-Helmut (Hg.), Handbuch der Musiktherapie, Bremen 1983.

Flowers, P.L/Codding, P. A., The Effect of Graduate/Undergraduate Mentorship in Training on Teacher On-task Behavior and Use of Instructional Time in Preschool Music Lessons, in: Contributions to Music Education, Jg. 17, 1990, S. 67 - 80.

Frego, R.J.D., Uniting the Generations with Music Programs, in: Music Educators Journal, Jg. 81, 1995, S. 17 - 19.

Füller, Klaus, Musik mit Senioren, Theoretische Aspekte und praktische Anregungen, Weinheim 1994.

Jantz, R. K./ Seefeld, C./ Galper, A./ Serlock, K., Childrens Attitude Toward the Elderly, in: Social Education, Jg. 41 (6), 1977, S. 518-523.

Latz, Inge, Musik im Leben älterer Menschen, Bonn 1988.

Madson, C.K./Smith, D.S./Freemann, C.C., The Use of Music in Cross-age Tutoring within Special Education Settings, in: Journal of Music Therapy, Jg. 25, 1988, S. 135 - 144.

Mc Travish, D.G., Perception of Old People: A Review of Rresearch Methodologies and Findings, in: The Gerontologist, Jg. 11 (4), 1971, S. 90 - 101.

Muthesius, Dorothea, Musikerfahrungen im Leben alter Menschen, Hannover 1997.

Prickett, Carol A., Music Therapy as a part of older peoples' lives, in: Furman, Charles E. (Hg.), Effectiveness of Music Therapy Procedures: Documentation of Research and Clinical Practise, National Association for Music Therapy (now the American Music Therapy Association), 2. Auflage, 1995.

Prickett, Carol A., Music Therapy with older People, in: Standley, Jayne M./ Prickett, Carol A., Research in Music Therapy, A Tradition of Exellence, Outstanding Reprints from the Journal of Music Therapy, 1964 - 1993, National Association for Music Therapy (now the American Music Therapy Association) 1994, Part VII.

Robertson, W. D., Developing Quality Music Education for Senior Citizens, in: Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, Jg.14 (2), 1996 S. 21 - 23.

Salden, Ulrich, Aspekte amerikanischer Musikpädagogik, Konzepte und ihre Verwirklichung, Hannover 1999.

Warnick, J./Drenning, S., Involving the Senior Population to Benefit Everyone, in: Teaching Music, Jg. 1 (6), 1994, S. 40f.